Exec Briefing (Template)

Document Template to copy and modify‌

Exec Briefing (Template)
Exec Briefing for <<Partnership>> Exec Summary <<Include all relevant points here, this may be the only section you have time to review with the executive>> Overview of our recent progress with PARTNER and where we’re headed together. Partnership Objectives <<Objective 1>> <<Objective 2>> <<...
Exec Briefing Template

Exec Briefings and Partnerships

There will often be times in a Partnership where it will be helpful to facilitate meetings between executives from both companies. ‌Some common reasons for these meetings are:

  • To help with challenges facing the partnership
  • To align on strategy and unlock resourcing
  • To help build trust and re-enforce the importance of the partnership
  • When people change roles and you need to re-establish the relationship

‌This template can be helpful as you work with your executives to prepare them for these partner opportunities.

Tips on working with Execs

Every executive is unique, and will have preferences for how you work with them, but here are some things to think about:

  1. Assume zero context
    Executives have to do a huge amount of context switching. Even though they may have been involved in the partnership recently, assume they have zero context.

    Always provide the high-level narrative around the partnership, and provide them context on why the partnership matters, and what has led to the meeting.
  2. Be clear on the input you want from them
    Don't "bury the lead". Be clear and upfront about what you need from them and why.
  3. Be factual, not emotional
    Focus on providing the facts and data, and not your interpretation of those things. You can provide context around the data points, but resist framing anything as "good" or "bad".
  4. Highlight any constraints you can see
    Make the exec aware of the constraints you have in the partnership. You don't want any commitments made in these meetings that will not be achievable.

Template Overview

This aim of this template is to help you prepare for meetings or updates with your executives and executives from your partner company.‌

Key Sections to Complete‌

Partnership Objectives
‌Outline why we are in this partnership. How does it support strategic goals? Include recent impacts and data if possible.

Meeting Goals
‌What are the desired outcomes for this meeting? Don't "boil the ocean" here. Try and limit goals and focus on the areas with the best potential impact.

Specific asks / outcomes
‌Be clear about what areas you need your exec to discuss, and what the desired outcome is. No need to sugar-coat anything, but be clear on the WHY behind these asks.

Hot Topics
‌Don't shy away from any challenging or sensitive topics that may be discussed. If there are sensitive or contentious areas, best to make sure these are highlighted so there are no surprises for anyone.

Partnership Health‌
‌Provide an easy to consume dashboard on the partnership overall. This can be an efficient way to focus on any areas that need improvement and to highlight any recent wins.

Partnership Perspective
‌Note any big things that are happening in your partners world. This can be a great way to build empathy, and to spot new opportunities. Good sources here are quarterly reports, press and recent news.

Document Template to copy and modify‌

Exec Briefing (Template)
Exec Briefing for <<Partnership>> Exec Summary <<Include all relevant points here, this may be the only section you have time to review with the executive>> Overview of our recent progress with PARTNER and where we’re headed together. Partnership Objectives <<Objective 1>> <<Objective 2>> <<...
Exec Briefing Template

You can download and edit the template - here.

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