Quarterly Business Reviews (Slide Template)

Also known as: MBR, QBR, HBR, Business Review Meetings.
Slide Template to help run these sessions
Running the play
Quarterly Business Reviews are important meetings that you should be having with your most important partners. They create a forum for both partners to share their goals, roadmap, and ideas to partner together. They may also be run twice yearly (HBRs) or monthly (MBRs).
How to know if this will be useful?
Quarterly Business Reviews are a useful “best practice” for strategic partnerships and can be helpful in continuing to build the relationship with partners. They can also help if you are experiencing any of the below:
- Lack of leadership support
- Slow progress against goals
- Lack of clarity on focus for the partnership
- No clearly defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Preparation (before the session)
QBRs can be very time consuming and you will be asking leadership and executives to support. Make sure the value is there for both sides before committing to this.
Before the session, work with your partner to agree the below:
- Goals - what do we want to leave the meeting with clarity on?
- What topics will be discussed?
- What confidential information (if any) will be shared?
- What functions will be represented (product, platform, sales, marketing)?
How much time to allocate here?
As a key tool in setting strategy and roadmap you should invest some here.
Assume you will need 10X hours prep time, for every hour of QBR time.
For a 2 hour QBR you would need 20 hours of preparation (agenda setting, sourcing data, logistics, etc.)
What data to source?
Will depend on the goals you have, but common data includes:
- $ revenue
- # installs
- # monthly active users
- # daily active users
- Usage or engagement metrics
- # API calls
- # API errors
Agree all of the below as soon as possible:
- Who will attend (this will dictate scheduling)
- Where will the QBR be (either office or VC platform)
- What will be the timing and running order
- Standard meeting roles (notes, timing, presenting)
- Are there any “tough conversations or topics” that need special preparation?
- Get everyone a copy of the content (ideally 3 or 4 days before the meeting)
Running the play (during the session)
Build in time for new topics and relationship building, these are the people who will help and support the partnership, let them talk to each other.
See the speaker notes in the slides, for tips on how to prepare for specific topics.
Driving Accountability (after the session)
- Send detailed notes and actions
- Agree when the group will meet again to review progress
- Thank people for their time and support
Slide Template to help run these sessions
You can download and edit the slides - here.
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